
Frequently Asked Questions

Where do these prices come from?

The prices come from eBay's API via the eBay Developers Program.

How often are prices updated?

Prices are updated several times per day. You can see the last updated time at the bottom of the homepage.

Why do some of these laptops say they come with Windows?

For most of the laptops on this site, you'll need to install Linux yourself when you get the laptop. Linux is free to install and use, and I recommend Ubuntu.

How do I install Ubuntu?

Follow the tutorial on ubuntu.com.

How do you decide what laptops to show on this site?

Mobile workstations like the Dell Latitude and Lenovo ThinkPad have been favorites among Linux users for more than a decade. Linux runs well on these machines, without any driver or compatibility issues. And I think lightly used business class laptops are one of the best deals you can get! Businesses buy thousands of these computers for their workforce only to replace them all two or three years later. But a top-end computer that's only two years old is way better than a brand-new low-end laptop. This website uses aggressive filtering to show the highest-quality laptops in an information-dense and useful format.

Is this an ad?

Links on this site are affiliate links for the eBay Partner Network. I receive a commission when products are purchased from a link on this site.